The Descriptive Guide to Pigmentation Treatment
Are you looking older than your actual age due to skin pigmentation? The skin color and tone changes due to the acne scars, overexposure to the sun or due to old age. There are different types of pigmentation which cause skin discoloration like freckles, birthmarks, age spots and so on. In the modern era, a number of techniques for Pigmentation Treatment are available which will enable you to have the beautiful and clear skin at the reasonable costs.
Reason for Skin pigmentation:–
Skin Pigmentation is the result of the melanin pigment which causes the skin darkening in the body. This chemical is produced inside the body due to its exposure to the ultra-violet radiations in order to protect it from the harmful radiations.
Top 3 methods of Pigmentation Treatments are as follows:-
A number of Pigmentation Treatments are available which are efficient and safer to use. Amongst them, the most significant treatments are light based like IPL, laser and the melanin suppressant chemical peels.
- Laser treatment:- It is the light based pigmentation treatment in which eumelanin, the special type of melanin absorbs the light. When eumelanin absorbs the laser light, it gets heated up to such an extent that it denatures the cell melanocytes responsible for producing melanin. In this way it doesn’t allow to produce the excess melanin which is accountable to skin pigmentation.
- Intense Pulse Light (IPL):- IPL is also the light based treatment which helps to remove blemishes appeared to any part of the body.
It is mainly used for removing:
- Age Spots
- Sun Damage
- Freckles
- Hyper-pigmented scars
- Birthmarks
- Dermamelan: -This is the melanin suppressant chemical peel which mitigates the pigment formation and thus allowing the skin natural renewal process to develop the clear and beautiful skin. It is considered as the most effective method for treating the very difficult condition melasma.
Light based pigmentation treatment methods are more precise with higher degree of penetration. In addition, laser method targets the severe discoloration more effectively when compared to the other methods like microdermabrasion or chemical peels. The darkened tissues get faded completely within few repeated treatments. However, you should use creams to reduce irritation and pain. For further detail, you can visit the website